Lenny comes with postgres 8.3, but you can add postgresql 8.4 from backports without problem. We have our production servers with lenny and postgresql 8.4. No issues.
Detailed instructions here:
Squeeze is almost ready. So, I think it's better to go with postgres 8.4 now and upgrade lenny to squeeze in a few months without taking care about postgres in the future.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Tan Boon Teck <tanboonteck@xxxxxxxxx>
To: pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Downgrading v8.4 database to v8.3
Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 23:48:02 +0800
Hi, I use Debian GNU/Linux on various servers. Debian Stable a.k.a. Lenny comes with PostgreSQL v8.3 while Debian Testing a.k.a Squeeze provides PostgreSQL v8.4. I need to move some databases written in Psql v8.4 to the stable production server running v8.3. I tried pg_dump and pg_restore as well as PgAdmin3. I am unable to do so due to the backward incompatibility. Is there anyway to do this? Thanks in advance. -- Jason Tan Boon Teck