Dear all,
I just had a thought, another one. Please the guys who have
the powerful knowledge I need your help ;-)
Let’s suppose
I have Three DB servers ,physical servers – let’s
call them:
1 – Let’s suppose I have a PostgreSQL on ‘Original_DB01’
server with a Data Base of 162GB in size.
2 – Let’s suppose I buy a new server ‘New_DB02’
- all singing all dancing cool server, RAID10, 25GB RAM, 64Bit etc.
3 – Let’s suppose I backup the old server with
pg_dump to a file “pg_dump_original_DB01”
4 – Let’s also suppose I backup the schema only
from ‘Original_DB01’and restore it to ‘Third_DB03’.
5 – Straight after I backup the schema, I stop PostgreSQL
on ‘Original_DB01’.
6 – Then I restore the schema to ‘Third_DB03’
and point the application to it.
7 – Let’s suppose the application can create
tables and can start using the database on ‘Third_DB03’ and adding
new data.
8 – Let’s suppose I restore the FULL pg_dump
file “pg_dump_original_DB01” to ‘New_DB02’
9 – Once the pg_dump has been restored to ‘New_DB02’
I can then point the application to it and data will be added to it straight
10 – Can I use ‘COPY’ statement to
transfer the data from ‘Third_DB03’ to ‘New_DB02’ without
‘WIPING’ or Deleting the existing data?
I want to merge the DATA from ‘Third_DB03’ to ‘New_DB02’
without deleting the Database or the existing data on the existing database.
Let me explain the Idea behind this craziness.
I am using ‘Third_DB03’ because the amount of
data to be transferred from it, will be minimum, and easy to and quick to ‘COPY’
This application has two part components (Data and Alarms)
We can get the data back in a very hard way, but without the
data being in the database we can’t generate alarms.
I would very much appreciate all your help on this idea,
I would be very glad and grateful for any comments and
improvements on this idea, picking the holes etc.
Thank you very much in advance
Systems Administrator
e-mail: renato.oliveira@xxxxxxxxxxx
Company registered in England, registration number 658133
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