To add on to previous comments: There is only one database in the server and the backup server also has incorrect data because all the wrong data replicated to the backup server. From: pgsql-admin-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pgsql-admin-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Khangelani Gama Hi all I am a junior DBA: Please give an advice on how I should solve the following problem, We are still using 7.3.4 PostgreSQL but will be upgrading very soon, database is running on CentOS 5 O/S .
Problem: - it’s about the wrong data in the system: Everything was fine until a certain process(for financial period processing) that normally generates many transactions in the database took place when the server lost the date. The date changed from 07-04-2010 to 15-08-2003…hence the process
ran until it finished which leaded to the generation of the wrong data. When we thought of restoring from a successful dump file(backup file) for the 07-04-2010 so that we could restore it to have everything before the date changed, we were not lucky because the only latest successful dump file was on the 03/04/2010. Question: How can we removed everything that got processed on the wrong date and have everything restored so that it’s in the correct state as at 07/04/2010… I tried to search for a solution but I can’t find anything.
Your help would be much appreciated Thanks Khangelani Confidentiality Notice: The contents of and attachments to this e-mail are intended for the addressee only, and may contain the confidential information of UCS Group and/or its subsidiaries.
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