As this is a very heterogeneous platform (from Oracle 10g, SQL Server 2008, Firebird 2.1, Mysql 5, Postgre 8.4 up to Informix 5 and even COBOL apps) whe are evaluating Virtualization or just sharing a server among PostgreSQL and firebird or MySQL.
As Virtualiaztion is almost discarded after reading many articles that locate this option in the "don'ts-list", we want to know your experience (if any) about installing a PostgreSQL and a Firebird server in the same Linux server.
Postgre is the DB that we are trying to migrate from Firebird, but this process will demand several months to conclude.
- Is there a configuration option we need to consider to share this server?
- What is the recomended hardware for a PostgreSQL server that has to support between 500 and 1000 simultaneous user connections? Is there a whitepaper about this?
Thanks in advance.