Many thanks for your assistance.
I am on my way. Here’s what I am doing:
dropdb musket
createdb musket
pg_dump canon > canon.dump
psql –d musket –f canon.dump
I am on the 4th step. But I could achieve the same with:
dropdb musket
createdb musket
pg_dump canon | psql –d musket –f -
can’t I? Aside from styling, there is no functional difference
between two procedures, is there?
Thank you.
Tena Sakai
On 11/16/09 10:42 AM, "Tom Lane" <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tena Sakai <tsakai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Now that I am thinking, maybe the file made by pg_dumpall has
> "canon" encoded and therefore what I did logically did not copy
> any canon tables into musket? Could this be the case?
Yup, exactly. It would have created canon and restored into that.
> If so, how would I duplicate an existing database and call it
> with a different name?
Use pg_dump not pg_dumpall.
regards, tom lane