Andy Shellam <andy-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > I've just re-created this using the following steps on a blank database: > 1. Create a new database using a role with a default search path of > "$user", public. > 2. Create a schema in that database (myschema) > 3. Create a sequence in the test schema (mysequence) > 4. Create a table in the myschema schema (mytable) with an integer field > that has a default value of nextval('myschema.mysequence'); - note this > has to be qualified because the myschema schema is not in the > search_path - confirmed with "nextval('mysequence')" and get the > expected "relation mysequence does not exist" > 5. Test adding a record to the table - OK > 6. Dump the database using pg_dump (see my previous e-mail for the exact > command) > 7. Restore the database script against a clean database using the same > user and search path of "$user", public - pg_dump has added the "SET > search_path" at the appropriate points > 8. Try and add a record to mytable - "ERROR: relation "mysequence" does > not exist" I did exactly the above, and it works as I expect. $ psql Welcome to psql 8.3.7, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help with psql commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit regression=# create user myuser; CREATE ROLE regression=# create database mydb owner myuser; CREATE DATABASE regression=# \c mydb myuser You are now connected to database "mydb" as user "myuser". mydb=> create schema myschema; CREATE SCHEMA mydb=> create sequence myschema.mysequence; CREATE SEQUENCE mydb=> create table myschema.mytable (f1 int default nextval('myschema.mysequence')); CREATE TABLE mydb=> \d myschema.mytable Table "myschema.mytable" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+---------+-------------------------------------------------- f1 | integer | default nextval('myschema.mysequence'::regclass) mydb=> insert into myschema.mytable default values; INSERT 0 1 mydb=> \q $ pg_dump -U postgres -s mydb >mydb.dump $ cat mydb.dump -- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- SET client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII'; SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off; -- -- Name: myschema; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: myuser -- CREATE SCHEMA myschema; ALTER SCHEMA myschema OWNER TO myuser; SET search_path = myschema, pg_catalog; -- -- Name: mysequence; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: myschema; Owner: myuser -- CREATE SEQUENCE mysequence INCREMENT BY 1 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER TABLE myschema.mysequence OWNER TO myuser; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: mytable; Type: TABLE; Schema: myschema; Owner: myuser; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE mytable ( f1 integer DEFAULT nextval('mysequence'::regclass) ); ALTER TABLE myschema.mytable OWNER TO myuser; -- -- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres -- REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO PUBLIC; -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete -- $ psql Welcome to psql 8.3.7, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help with psql commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit regression=# create database mydb2 owner myuser; CREATE DATABASE regression=# \c mydb2 myuser You are now connected to database "mydb2" as user "myuser". mydb2=> \i mydb.dump SET SET SET SET SET CREATE SCHEMA ALTER SCHEMA SET CREATE SEQUENCE ALTER TABLE SET SET CREATE TABLE ALTER TABLE psql:mydb.dump:54: WARNING: no privileges could be revoked for "public" REVOKE psql:mydb.dump:55: WARNING: no privileges could be revoked for "public" REVOKE psql:mydb.dump:56: WARNING: no privileges were granted for "public" GRANT psql:mydb.dump:57: WARNING: no privileges were granted for "public" GRANT mydb2=> \c - You are now connected to database "mydb2". mydb2=> \d myschema.mytable Table "myschema.mytable" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+---------+-------------------------------------------------- f1 | integer | default nextval('myschema.mysequence'::regclass) mydb2=> insert into myschema.mytable default values; INSERT 0 1 mydb2=> select * from myschema.mytable; f1 ---- 1 (1 row) mydb2=> \q What are you doing differently? regards, tom lane -- Sent via pgsql-admin mailing list (pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) To make changes to your subscription: