Try this one:
$ psql -d us_audit -e -1 -v p_date=\'20081023\' -f chk_param.sql
select count(*) from prod_debit_payments_unapplied where when_received = (select :p_date::char(8));
or even
select count(*) from prod_debit_payments_unapplied where when_received = :p_date;
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 6:57 PM, Atul Chojar <achojar@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We are unable to pass parameters into any sql script. Could anyone look at the test below and give any suggestions? PostgreSQL version is 8.2.7, running on Linux.
Test Script
$ cat chk_param.sql
select ''''||:p_date::char(8)||'''';
select count(*) from prod_debit_payments_unapplied where when_received = (select ''''||:p_date::char(8)||'''');
select count(*) from prod_debit_payments_unapplied where when_received = '20081023';