ok - i am still having the same errors after removing the majority of
the databases on this server - leaving only 46 left. I have gone into
single user mode and vacuumed the rest.
any other ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!
log file.....
2009-04-21 16:14:36.688 EDT [10757] [] LOG: database system is ready
2009-04-21 16:14:37.754 EDT [10757] [] WARNING: database "postgres"
must be vacuumed within 976347 transactions
2009-04-21 16:14:37.754 EDT [10757] [] HINT: To avoid a database
shutdown, execute a full-database VACUUM in "postgres".
2009-04-21 16:14:37.811 EDT [10819] [] ERROR: database is not
accepting commands to avoid wraparound data loss in database "postgres"
2009-04-21 16:14:37.811 EDT [10819] [] HINT: Stop the postmaster and
use a standalone backend to vacuum database "postgres".
[unknown] 2009-04-21 16:14:41.767 EDT 0 [10821] [[unknown]] LOG:
connection received: host= port=53704
jboss 2009-04-21 16:14:41.781 EDT 0 [10821]
[cluster0809oaid] LOG: connection authorized: user=jboss
jboss 2009-04-21 16:14:41.785 EDT 0 [10821]
[cluster0809oaid] FATAL: database "cluster0809oaid" does not exist
thanks.... Maria Wilson
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Maria L. Wilson wrote:
ouch!! ok - this may take me all week!
i'm opening each database when I start up the server ( postgres --single
-D /data/pg_devices /database1/ )
i run the vacuum - just a plain old vacuum - nothing else...
i am getting output like this with each vacuum...
Heh. You can actually script this, you know. You need to provide a
list of databases, then do something like (maybe bash-specific):
for db in database1 database2 database3 ...; do
echo "vacuum $db" | postgres --single -D /data/pg_devices $db
To produce the list of databases you could connect to any one of them
and do "SELECT datname FROM pg_database", redirect this to a file, and
then fix up the resulting file so that there's a single database name
per line, then the above loop could look like this:
for db in $(cat file-with-database-names); do
echo "vacuum $db" | postgres --single -D /data/pg_devices $db
If there are names with funny characteres in them (spaces, uppercase,
symbols) then some quoting is called for. You'd be also wise to check
the output for errors in case something goes ill.
Note that something *will* go wrong at some point. Some database
somewhere will throw you an error and it'll tell you that it cannot be
vacuumed. That is, after all, the reason that autovacuum has not being
doing this automatically for you.
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