Re: Can a whole server be restored over to another server in a single command?

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Currently I feel that the sync script I want is within my capabilities - the re-init stuff would need investigation and testing. I'll get on with the script and post up the result. There are parts which others may find useful.

Here's the script in it's current format. After all the work on it it has become fairly concise. A couple of points first.

1. I suppose that to be a proper sync it should delete all user databases on the *Secondary* server.

2. It wouldn't be too difficult to have a section first which would make sure the Secondary server has matching user accounts.

# Here we loop through a list of databases - the flags cut out most formatting from the database list produced. for db_name in $(psql -U admin -h ${REMOTE} -A -t --command "SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database ORDER BY datname;" postgres)

if [ $db_name != 'postgres' -a $db_name != 'template0' -a $db_name != 'template1' ]; then

      echo `date`
      echo "Dumping out ${db_name}..."
pg_dump -U admin -h ${REMOTE} --create ${db_name} > /var/backups/${db_name}.pgd

      echo `date`
      echo "Dropping database ${db} and reloading it..."
psql -U admin -h localhost --command "DROP DATABASE \"${db_name}\";" postgres psql -U admin -h localhost -f /var/backups/${db_name}.pgd postgres > /dev/null


Hope it's of use to others.

BTW - This is what I've used when the database needs to be copied to a different DB on the same server with a different owner.

echo `date`
echo "Dumping database stalive..."
pg_dump -U stalive -h localhost --no-owner stalive > /home/statraining/stalive_pg_backup.pgd

echo `date`
echo "Dropping database statraining..."
psql -U statraining -h localhost --command "DROP DATABASE statraining;" template1

echo `date`
echo "Recreating database statraining..."
psql -U aplus2admin -h localhost --command "CREATE DATABASE statraining WITH OWNER statraining;" template1

echo `date`
echo "Restoring database statraining from stalive backup..."
psql -U statraining -h localhost -d statraining -f /home/statraining/stalive_pg_backup.pgd


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