Further to an earlier question..
I've tried
pg_dumpall --inserts --clean -h $REMOTE -U admin | psql -U postgres
To extract a whole database from a remote server and to reload it into a
local DB but this produces tons of errors.
ERROR: role "admin" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
DETAIL: owner of database test1
owner of database test
7 objects in database test1
201 objects in database test
ERROR: role "admin" already exists
ERROR: current user cannot be dropped
ERROR: role "postgres" already exists
ERROR: role "sql-ledger" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
DETAIL: owner of database bean-demo
owner of database bean-cash
owner of database bean-41
Is there something I need to do RE the user I connect as?
Or should I do the dump to a file - transfer the file and then attempt
the reload?
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