I have PG SQL 8.1 running on a RHEL 4 system (64 bit). I have numerous tables, all of which were created with CREATE TABLE someTable (myID SERIAL, someField varchar . . .etc Postgres created numerous sequences for me and it all seemed
to work great. Elsewhere I have lots of java code that gets the values of
the sequences out like: "SELECT last_value FROM simulation_probability_of_occ_simulation_probability_of_occ_seq" Which also seems to work great. Now I did a dump/restore to send it to a client and I have
the following problem: In the first DB (the one that works) I have this in the table
def for the table (from PGAdmin III): simulation_probability_of_occurence_id integer NOT NULL
DEFAULT nextval('simulation_probability_of_occ_simulation_probability_of_oc_seq4'::regclass), And in the restored DB I have this: simulation_probability_of_occurence_id integer NOT NULL
DEFAULT nextval('simulation_probability_of_occ_simulation_probability_of_oc_seq3'::regclass), This is wreaking all kinds of havoc with my Java code.
I’ve tried exporting with and without OIDs (from PGADMIN III) with no
apparent change. Is there something I can do to keep those sequences in the
right places? Thanks Aaron Parks |