Thanks Ashish, it is working.
G. V. Suresh Gupta
GTS - EMEIA, Zensar Technologies Zensar Knowledge Park, Plot#5, MIDC IT
Tower, Kharadi, Off Nagar Road, Pune - 411014 Landline : +91-20-66453471 |
+91-9890898688 Email : suresh.g@xxxxxxxxxx | website:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ashish Karalkar" <ashishka@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "suresh gupta" <suresh.g@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: Query related
suresh gupta wrote:
Hi Team,
I had a table with 2 fields like First name(FN) and last name(LN). When
I give a query for the records of the 2 columns, they are displaying in 2
different columns. My requirement is to combine both the columns in a
single one. As per my knowledge there are some operators which combine 2
columns and display together in single columns like |, +, etc. in other
databases like Oracle.
For example FN = Suresh and LN=Gupta the output of the query should be
Suresh Gupta in single column. Is there any similar operator or method on
postgresql to get my result. Please advice.
Pgsql version is 8.1 and window version software.
*G. V. Suresh Gupta*
*GTS - EMEIA, Zensar Technologies *
Zensar Knowledge Park, Plot#5, MIDC IT Tower,
Kharadi, Off Nagar Road, Pune - 411014
Landline : +91-20-66453471 | +91-9890898688
Email : suresh.g@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:suresh.g@xxxxxxxxxx> | website: <>
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This will help you.
postgres=# create table name(fn text,ln text);
postgres=# insert into name values ('abc','xyz');
postgres=# select * from name;
fn | ln
abc | xyz
(1 row)
postgres=# select fn||' '||ln as name from name;
abc xyz
(1 row)
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