Slony is a good software at all, we are using it now to replicate real data to a dedicate report server and to a data center and works very well.
But when we have some downtime like crash hardware, the time to put the slave node running, even as of less of 1 minute is too long for the company bussiness, loosing a great amount of sales authorizations.
So we need a solution that in the time of crash another server right in the moment could be working, receiving connections and transactioning.
This week I installed and used pg_cluster. I liked the idea of the software, and is that what i'm looking for. But pg_cluster seems that is no more upgraded, and there is a lot of bugs and errors.
I'm trying now the CyberCluster from CyberTech, developed under pgcluster.
I hope that you could understand the scenario.
Rafael Domiciano
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 5:01 PM, Scott Marlowe <scott.marlowe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Rafael DomicianoWhat exactly was not good enough about slony? We use it for automated
<rafael.domiciano@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello for all,
> Our bussiness do not tolerate anymore downtime (the downtime is estimate at
> 10 hour / year - that involves upgrade of hardware, crash of hardware), and
> using Slony-I 1.2.15 I have waste time to put the slave node on production.
> So I'm studying some replications softwares, like pgpool, pg_cluster,
> pg_replicator.
failover which is initiated by the application if it detects the
master go down. Works pretty well. Our downtime for unscheduled
maintenance is well under an hour a year with this setup.