I am using pg 8.3 and configured warm standby server. It is working well, but my db is relative big ( ~ 40 GB).
Is it possible to stop running
"Warm standby server" and when it starts again to continue
executing WALs from the stop moment.
I'm using following command to stop the server:
kill -SIGINT `head -1 /POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR/postmaster.pid`
but when it starts again there is broken link "/POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR/pg_xlog/RECOVERYHISTORY" which points to the following missing file "/WAL_ARCHIVE_DIR/00000001.history"
i wonder if it is fatal or not?
I'm using following command to stop the server:
kill -SIGINT `head -1 /POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR/postmaster.pid`
but when it starts again there is broken link "/POSTGRESQL_DATA_DIR/pg_xlog/RECOVERYHISTORY" which points to the following missing file "/WAL_ARCHIVE_DIR/00000001.history"
i wonder if it is fatal or not?
I will not to start the process ot
making the base backup and send it to my warm standby server. My warm standby
server is on diferent location connected via slow connection.
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