Separate Sessions?? (View data <-> Query tool)

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I'm administering a Pg8.3 database with PgAdmin3.

The users need views "pre" filtered on a session based vairable wich is stored in a temporary table. Immediately after logging into the database the client software creates a temporary table and stores an idin that. The users query views when they want to see the contents of a filtered table and modify the tables directly - which tables have BEFORE UPDATE/DELETE/INSERT trigers to check the existence of the Temp table and to force filter field values to be defaulted to the temporary table field. I hope it is clear... :)
When I log in with PgAdmin I have to create the temp table manually. It's 
ok, and if I use the query tool i cansee query the views after creating the 
temp table. But if I want to see the contents of a view in table view (View 
Data-View all rows), the views are empty indicating that it lacks of the 
temporary table. When I view directly the table (not the view) and try to 
edit a field the trigger refuses it because of the lack of temp table.
I guess View data function establishes a separate connection to the database 
to serve the query - or what??
How could I force PgAdmin3 to use the same session or how could I make the 
table view to see the session wide temp table which was created earlier in a 
query tool?
Many thanks,

Best Regards,
Csaba Együd
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