once again - thank you Vyacheslav for your quick answer.
I have to ask you one more question - is it possible to make a planer
act according to passed parameters, or is the plan predefined on
creating the function?
Vyacheslav Kalinin rašė:
Apparently your problem starts here:
> -> Function Scan on filter_b_preke_matoma (cost=0.00..267.50
rows=5 width=126) (actual time=6.580..11.766 rows=2820 loops=1)
> Filter:
(((prek_pavadinimas)::text ~~* (('%'::text || ($3)::text) ||
'%'::text)) OR ($3 IS NULL))
Planner expects to see only somewhat 5 rows after function scan with
the filter but get ~3000, which is not a surprise if one looks at your
plain SQL query, corresponding WHERE part:
AND ((prek_pavadinimas ILIKE ('%'||null||'%')) OR null is NULL)
As I mentioned conditions like this get wrapped (to TRUE in your
case), so with plain SQL planner does not even try to estimate ILIKE
filter effect.
Julius Tuskenis
Programavimo skyriaus vadovas
UAB nSoft
mob. +37068233050
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