thanks for your answer Tom,
I've installed that module contrib but there's nothing like ossp-uuid inside!
I've found it through software.opensuse for my opensuse 11 version and
ossp-uuid should be installed separately, or am I wrong?. I took it from
you know something about that?
the details of my postgresql-contrib:
postgresql-contrib-8.3.1-15.1 - Contributed Extensions and Additions to
109 files total
Quoting Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
jordi.tablada@xxxxxxx writes:
I'm running on a openSuse 11 and postgresql 8.3 and I've installed
ossp-uui. The
problem is when I try to execute the uuid.sql, it doesn't work.
I'm not sure what uuid.sql is, but it is not the script that comes with
8.3's contrib/uuid-ossp module. Judging from the errors it might be
something that is trying to create a user-defined uuid type. That's not
going to work in 8.3 because there's already a built-in uuid type.
In short: you're trying to use some old script, not the one you want.
regards, tom lane
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