On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 7:56 AM, Rafael Domiciano <rafael.domiciano@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I'm using 8.3.3 version in this machine..! > So, the shared_buffers set to 100Mb is ok? Or 500Mb is better? > This server we call "Reporter Server", so it's used to do heavy reports for > a few users only (I could say 5 users). > What could be the best config for my server with: > 2 Gb RAM > 300 GB HD > Postgres 8.3 > Dual Core 100M is probably adequate. 2G is a pretty small database server memory wise. I assume by 300G HD you mean a single hard drive. Since a single hard drive is going to limit the speed at which you can access data from it, I'd leave shared_buffers at 100M and let the OS cache data for you. Also, look at work_mem. You might want to set those few heavy users to have more work_mem than the other users. alter user heavyuser set work_mem=128000; note that work_mem is per user sort, so it's quite possible to exhaust main memory if you set it high for everybody and they all do sorts on large sets suddenly.