Yes, the encoding was changed from SQL_ASCII to UTF-8. Does the fact that it's an "Idle" error conform your theory that some client is causing the error? I thought the "Idle" error was caused by errors found during background processes, like vacuums. I made a plain text backup of the live database and I'm not having any luck grepping for the character. I may be doing it wrong. If I can't find it in the database dump, what does that tell us? Is it possibly in a template database. Thanks for your help, Randy Tom Lane wrote: > Randall Wilson <rwilson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > >> We've got a PostgreSQL 8.1.11 database that started displaying these >> error messages almost immediately AFTER it was restored. >> ... >> Is there any way to figure out where the 0x8b character is? >> > > Hmm, did you perhaps change the database encoding from its previous > value? The most likely bet is that the bad encoding is arriving from a > client, which is evidently expecting to send something other than UTF8 > but not bothering to set client_encoding to tell what. > > regards, tom lane > >
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