I'm running Solaris 10. I'm not sure whether I'd compile source or
use package manager. I haven't done enough research to know which
one is right for us. I will be migrating my old data into the new
version. I don't have any client apps that need testing - yet. In
fact, I don't have any client applications. I'm in an academic
environment. The databases I have on this server are largely student
creations. There are two faculty research projects that are using
this but one of them is closed down for now, and they other is one
that I'm rewriting from ColdFusion to PHP, and it hasn't really
started yet. That's part of my reason for wanting to do this now.
We are between the last summer session and the start of the fall
semester. This upgrade will effect very few people at this time. I
just really want to put this back where the earlier one was, if I
can. The faculty have syllabi that have paths and links in them that
will confuse the students if things aren't where they expect.
On Aug 14, 2008, at 3:34 PM, Steve Crawford wrote:
Carol Walter wrote:
I want to do a new installation of postgres. I have version 8.2.3
and I want to go to 8.3.3. The postgres documentation says that
the default location for the installation is /usr/local/pgsql. My
installation has obviously been customized because I have no such
path on my system. The documentation also says you can customize
the location by including prefix = */PREFIX/* in the ./
configuration file. Is there a way I can tell what this
customization was? There are several directories that contain
many of the same files. I have several installations of postgres
running on different servers. If this is anything like everything
else I've seen there, quite possibly, is a different customization
for each server.
Thank you very much,
Carol Walter
What OS?
How do you plan to install (source?, package-manager?)
Do you need to save data from old installation?
Do you have any client applications that need testing (or is this
to test them)? There are a few changes that could bite you (changes
to automatic casting and changed cluster syntax to name a couple).