please send a sql script that was used to create this table. If you use
pgAdmin you can copy the sql from it. By saying dublicate records you
mean identical? That is there are records with the same user_id value?
subamathy rašė:
We are having problems resulting from users being able to create
duplicate records
in table.
Below is the description of the table
Column | Type | Modifiers
user_id | character varying(128) | not null
person_email_required | numeric(5,0) |
wddx_data | text |
proxy_id | character varying(128) |
email_to | character varying(6) |
password | character varying(60) |
user_name | character varying(64) |
language_preference | character varying(20) |
enable_autosearch | character varying(6) |
country_id | character varying(16) |
"i_personalise" PRIMARY KEY, btree (user_id)
"i_personalise_proxy_id" btree (proxy_id)
"i_personalise_user_id" btree (user_id)
database version: PostgreSQL 8.0.1
i_personalise- index
conn type: Primary (constriant Type)
condeferrable: False
conkey: 1 (column which has constraint)
Could you please help me out in finding the reason for such dupicate
records existing
Could you pls help me out in finding the reson for duplicate records
being inserted.
Julius Tuskenis
Programavimo skyriaus vadovas
UAB nSoft
mob. +37068233050