Hello, Domingo,
My question is why do your users need access to pgadmin3?
I have not used pgadmin3; we use phpPgAdmin. I can restrict access
to that by putting it behind .htaccess. That is only users with a
user name in .htacess can run phpPgAdmin. In the case of pgadmin3,
shouldn't you be able to restrict access to it by setting privs at
the operating system level? With phpPgAdmin, I can also restrict it
so a user can only see the databases the s/he owns. Postgres owns my
databases so I can't do it this way, but it could be done.
On Jun 26, 2008, at 1:04 PM, Domingo Alvarez Duarte wrote:
Hello !
I'm trying to use postgresql in an application that by design will
give access to users to a subset of the database.
For example for customers access to products_view (wich will only
show public offers), orders (only their own orders).
I'll provide an application as user interface for the data.
For that I'll give for each of then a role in the database that
will belong to a group role customers_group.
The customers_group only has access to the views/functions that
I'll specify.
Till here no problem postgresql do that pretty well.
My concern is once I give login access to any user, even without
grant him/her any access to any database, he/she can using an
application like pgadmin3 view all databases/roles/functions/table-
definitions on my server. And that was not my intention.
Removing all from public doesn't work : revoke all on schema public
from public;
What I think would be the server behavior when I create a role with
login access an say that I only grant access to one view like this:
create role oneuser login;
grant select on somedatabase.someview to oneuser;
In that case when the user login the only thing he/she sees is the
view database.someview, even when they use pgadmin3 to connect.
Actually he/she can see with pgadmin3 : all databases, all roles
and it's right access, all tables on every database (no access to
data), all functions, all triggers, all table definitions.
The above isn't the intention to a user with a restrict view of the
Can I achieve it actually, if not how hard could be to implement
that in the official release ?
Thanks in advance for any feedback/ideas !