Re: Continuing issues... Can't vacuum!

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Hi, Jeff,

Here's the output from the command.

-bash-3.00$ ps -ef | grep post
postgres 9631 9629 0 Sep 24 ? 30:28 /opt/csw/ postgresql/bin/sparcv8/postgres -D /dbpdisk/postgres/prod_823 postgres 9633 9629 0 Sep 24 ? 96:31 /opt/csw/ postgresql/bin/sparcv8/postgres -D /dbpdisk/postgres/prod_823 postgres 9634 9629 0 Sep 24 ? 67:28 /opt/csw/ postgresql/bin/sparcv8/postgres -D /dbpdisk/postgres/prod_823 postgres 9629 9396 0 Sep 24 ? 13:26 /opt/csw/ postgresql/bin/sparcv8/postgres -D /dbpdisk/postgres/prod_823
postgres 12082 12029   0 17:57:06 pts/17      0:00 ps -ef
postgres 12029  3950   0 17:55:05 pts/17      0:00 -bash
postgres 12083 12029   0 17:57:06 pts/17      0:00 grep post

I running under Solaris 10. I don't have anything that looks exactly like what you here, but the postgres has got to be running. I can go in as the postgres user connect to different databases and select data from them. This installation was loaded by my colleague using a product called Blastwave hence the csw directories.
By the way, and not incidentally, thank you for the help.


On May 23, 2008, at 5:15 PM, Jeff Frost wrote:

Carol Walter wrote:
Hi, Again.

I tried this and got the same message.  It is as follows:

-bash-3.00$ /opt/csw/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl -D /dbpdisk/postgres/ prod_823 -m fas
t stop
pg_ctl: PID file "/dbpdisk/postgres/prod_823/" does not exist
Is server running?

Are there other ideas?
Carol, what does:

ps -ef | grep postgres


If postgres is really running, there should be a postmaster process that shows which directory it's using as the DATA directory. It'll look something like this:
postgres 24080     1  0 09:49 ?        00:00:07 /usr/bin/postmaster  
-p 5432 -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
If there isn't a postmaster, it's possible someone started postgres  
with the -D option directly.
If you have multiple postgres server's running on the same machine,  
you'll see multiple postmasters.
BTW: What operating system is this running under?  If linux, which  

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