On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 01:18:24PM -0600, kevin kempter wrote: > we seem to be getting deadlock quite a lot. We have a python process > that does the following and we keep getting deadlocks. Is this a real > deadlock or maybe a wait condition? Any help in debugging / resolving > this would be much appreciated. An easy way to avoid deadlocks is to lock tables always in the same order. > cursor.execute("lock player_log_uuid in share update exclusive mode") > > > >Traceback (most recent call last): > > File "StatsParser.py", line 740, in InsertData > > cursor.execute("lock player_log_uuid in share update exclusive > >mode") > >ProgrammingError: deadlock detected > >DETAIL: Process 23098 waits for ShareUpdateExclusiveLock on > >relation 428126 of database 427376; blocked by process 23916. > >Process 23916 waits for ShareLock on transaction 46802680; blocked > >by process 23098. I've never figured out how to resolve the "lock on transaction" to something understandable... HTH, Tino. -- "What we resist, persists." (Zen saying) www.craniosacralzentrum.de www.forteego.de