Thanks for the reply.
I am sure i didn't issue the restart command. i only did the reload.
I'll find out from my other team mates if they issued any restart
command by mistake.
Thanks again.
Andrew Sullivan wrote:
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 04:01:00PM +1030, Shilpa Sudhakar wrote:
Hi All,
Wanted to know what does pg_ctl do in the background when we run *pg_ctl
-D datadir reload *
It sends a SIGHUP to the back end.
command. Generally, it just reloads the files and everything works fine.
But strangely, last time when we ran the reload command and tried to
access *psql dbname, *
It gives a message *"database shutting down" *
Are you sure you didn't issue "restart" instead? It's an easy enough
mistake to make.
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