1) Can I please know, if we can run 2 databases on the same server
with out any conflicts?
You can as long as they are installed in separate locations.
That is:
db1: /usr/local/pgsql/7.4
db2: /usr/local/pgsql/8.1
The main reason is so your app doesn't pick up the wrong binary and use
that and cause all sorts of weird and wonderful errors :)
2) If it is so, at what stage we are need to configure the 2
databases? Pls provide links or docs if available.
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/install-procedure.html (look
at the --prefix stuff).
for how to copy your data into the new system.
They will also need to run on different ports. Edit the postgresql.conf
file on the new install and change the port=5432 line to another
(unused) number.
Postgresql & php tutorials
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