Hi. You could do a query to the system catalogs (pg_attribute, for example) with your table name as the search criteria and the field names as the data; loop through that data to create your query in a string variable, and then EXECUTE it. While you are "looping" through the results of the system catalog query, you can apply all the text functions available, so you can split the field names, join them, etc.
I have done some similar queries. It's pretty simple.
Hope it helped.
On Dec 12, 2007 7:37 AM, Allan Kamau <
> wrote:
I am writing a PL/SQL script to process data from a high dimensionality table where this table has most of it's field names encapsulating data. I would like to automatically loop through the fields of a RECORD variable (returned from a cursor) obtaining the field name and the field value.
For example my table is listed below (briefly)
create table my_table
id int not null-- default nextval(('my_table_seq'::text)::regclass)
,some_explanation varchar(20) not null
,D30 varchar(100) null
,W32 varchar(100) null
,C33 varchar(100) null
,V7 varchar(100) null
The field name W32 consists of 'W' which is data I need and '32' which is data I also need along with the actual record value contained in this field.
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