Could you please add to your to do list a schema parameter
for vacuum? Example: VACUUM SCHEMA xyz; PostgreSQL would get a list of all of the tables found in
the schema. It would then loop through vacuuming each table in the schema. I found today that I did not have max_fsm_pages set high
enough in order to vacuum the entire database. I vacuum daily to avoid
problems. After realizing that I cannot vacuum the entire database now, I
then had to do it at the table level. I had to go through all 13 of my
schemas and list each table I found into an SQL vacuum script. This was a
real waist of time. I will eventually restart PostgreSQL with an increased
value for max_fsm_pages so this will not be an issue. But until then I will have to run a new script. I
created a script with 420 SQL vacuum statements at the table level. I
would have preferred to create 13 vacuum SQL statements at the schema level. Thanks for considering this enhancement, Lance Campbell Project Manager/Software Architect Web Services at Public Affairs 217.333.0382 |