We have a quite large (in our measurements) database, currently around 150GB of data. Time has come to upgrade to 8.2.5 from 8.1.10. Going to the fine manual.. having a system where both databases are installed PG8.1 on port 5432 and PG8.2 on port 5433, logging in as the "postgres" user and running: pg_dumpall | psql -p 5433 This fails due to constraints on the tables. Typical error messages look like: ERROR: new row for relation "box_full" violates check constraint "tower_id_ref" The tables are running a "home-made" timetravelling feature where a contraint on the table implements the foreing keys on the table. How can I instruct pg_dumpall to turn off these constriants during dump/restore? Jesper -- Jesper Krogh, jesper@xxxxxxxx ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings