Tom Lane wrote:
Darren Reed <darrenr@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Anyway, the above error should have also produced a map of per-context
>> memory usage in the postmaster log (ie, postmaster stderr). If you
>> could show us that, it might be revealing.
> MessageContext: 267378688 total in 43 blocks; 1768 free (45 chunks);
> 267376920 used
> The standout problem is the "MessageContext" count.
Indeed. And there shouldn't even be anything in MessageContext until
the first client command has been received. Maybe you have something
in ~/.psqlrc that you haven't told us about?
That's easy - I don't even have one of these files!
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not