"select pg_cancel_backend(procpid) " can end the current query for that user, but then this connection becomes IDLE, still connected.
Is there a command for me to totally disconnect a user by procpid? Some times, I need to kick out a particular Postgres user completely.
Tommy Gildseth <tommy.gildseth@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Jessica Richard wrote:
> When you see a hanging Postgres connection (or a job running so long
> and you don't want to continue any more) from
> select * from pg_stat_activity
> and you want to disconnect it,
> how do you do it?
Tommy Gildseth
DBA, Gruppe for databasedrift
Universitetet i Oslo, USIT
m: +47 45 86 38 50
t: +47 22 85 29 39
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