Is there a way to
execute an external program from within a stored procedure?
In pl/pgsql it does
not appear to be supported.
Will pl/perl allow
me to do so?
A little
background. I have a network monitoring platform which we developed.
The collector has the capability of issuing a single query for each test it
performs. We hae a massive stored procedure which aggreates data in real
time and then stores the individual test data in the database. This has
some great pluses, in which we can graph averages of various tests, which cannot
be done with something like rrdtool. On the downside, while relatively
fast, it is not as fast in rendering a graph as rrdtool.
The stored procedure
is written in pl/pgsql. I would like, for each test, to call rrdtool and
insert a reading in the tests rrd database. This will allow us to render
certain graphs much quicker.
Is there a way in
pl/perl to call an outside program? IN this case I would have out
pl/pgsql procedure call a pl/perl p[rocedure, passing the relevant arguments,
and have it call rrdtool to insert the data point.
Any suggestions are
welcome :)