Chris, Perhaps I wasn't clear on what we did. We loaded the 8.2 and got it running on a different zone on the same machine running Solaris. I should have said we did a pg_dumpall using the 8.1 data. ( I know there is a big difference.) Anyway, I did the pg_dumpall (using the correct version, the new version.) of the live data and uploaded it to the 8.2 instance. The 8.1 instance was still running. Both systems automount the same dirs. We were able to put the data from the 8.1 instance onto a directory that the 8.2 instance could see, which made the cut over very quick and the production system just had to be down long enough to stop and restart. I had already modified the conf files and we didn't blow them away so we were good to go. I just froze data entry from when I started the dump until the new instance was available. That meant people could still select data from the website. After the 8.2 instance was up and running and everything looked like in came over correctly, we shut down the 8.1 instance. Sorry about the confusion. Carol On Sep 20, 2007, at 2:06 PM, Chris Hoover wrote: