Hi again, a different question ...
On a previous upgrade to 7.4 (I think) I used the pg_dumplo contrib
utility to add the large objects to my restored via pg_dumpall databases
(not all using large objects).
I liked it because it was easy and I hadn't to remove the databases with
large objects to reimport them with the dumped via pg_dump versions
which seemed more work (and more possibilities of problems).
Now I see that theres is not pg_dumplo on contrib directory for 8.2.4
(or at least i did'nt found it)...
Which is the best method to import my large objects in this case?
1.- Import all the stuff via pg_dumpall+psql, drop databases with LO,
import LO databases with pg_dump+psql
2.-Import all the stuff via pg_dumpall+psql, import LO databases with
pg_dump+psql (without delete them)
3.- ??
Thanks in advance
Daniel Rubio Rodríguez
OASI (Organisme Autònom Per la Societat de la Informació)
c/ Assalt, 12
43003 - Tarragona
Tef.: 977.244.007 - Fax: 977.224.517
e-mail: drubio a oasi.org
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