On Tue, 14 Aug 2007, giuseppe.derossi@xxxxxxxx wrote:
Name, Surname , Job, Hobby, Pet, address
John, Smith, NULL, photo, NULL, NULL
John, Smith, student, NULL, cat, NULL
by using name and surname as selecting key, I want :
John, Smith, student, photo, cat, NULL
If you are sure there's no conflict (multiple values) for a (name,
surname) key, one simple solution might be (surely not an efficient one)
(select distinct Name from thetable where Name = 'name1' and Surname = 'surname1' where Name is not null),
(select distinct Surname from thetable where Name = 'name1' and Surname = 'surname1' where Surname is not null),
(select distinct Job from thetable where Name = 'name1' and Surname = 'surname1' where Job is not null),
(select distinct Hobby from thetable where Name = 'name1' and Surname = 'surname1' where Hobby is not null),
(select distinct Pet from thetable where Name = 'name1' and Surname = 'surname1' where Pet is not null),
(select distinct address from thetable where Name = 'name1' and Surname = 'surname1' where address is not null)
This will fail if you also have
John, Smith, student, NULL, dog, NULL
in addition to
John, Smith, student, NULL, cat, NULL
You can test for offending rows by:
array_to_string( array( select distinct Pet from thetable where Name = 'name1' and Surname = 'surname1' where Pet is not null),',')
and so on...
Ben K.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings