On 8/13/07, Hyatt, Gordon <Gordon.Hyatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > I'm not sure if this is the correct list for this question, but I'll give it a shot anyway. (If this is not the correct list, please suggest the correct one.) CODE SNIPPED. > When I attempt to run insert_a_and_b, insert_b fails with a foreign key violation. I ran your exact same code and it worked fine. Note that I changed one line: begin; insert_a_and_b ('some text for a', 'some text for b'); commit; became: begin; select insert_a_and_b ('some text for a', 'some text for b'); commit; But I assume that's just a simple typo. I'm running pgsql 8.1.8 ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend