I'm preparing to upgrade a 7.4.7 DB to 8.2.4.
I just got connectivity from new to old (different hosts), and being
a newhire and no-one had ever done any maintenance on the old DB, I
connected as joe-user to the old DB using the client of the new.
(joe-user is the owner of the DB)
I did some analyze and vacuum-ing on two tables.
The last thing I did there was
>vacuum full verbose tablename;
I did it twice to see the differing results.
It was HUGE and now is smaller.
I next tried to do a \dt and suddenly....
airburst=> \dt
ERROR: relation "pg_catalog.pg_roles" does not exist
None of the \d - commands work.
Only if I go in as PG super can I avoid that error. (Going in
locally after logging into that box.)
I'm new to PG myself, so I'd appreciate it if I had some hand-holding.
Thank you!
Ralph Smith
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