Hi, Guys,
Does any one here run Aqua Data Studio to produce database
documentation? My user really likes pretty pictures so I'd like to
get this resolved, if possible. I'm having a rather strange problem
with it which quite possibly relates to my postgres configuration
files. I'm in an academic environment, so my setup may sound a
little strange to those of you who are in the corporate world. I
have two instances of postgres running, one is the version that is
running for students, the other that is running is in support of a
faculty member's research. I have one copy of Aqua Date Studio
running. I can go into Aqua Data Studio to the registered student
server and ADS will draw pretty ERD's with appropriate relationships,
so long as the table constraints are properly designed. When I try
to do the same thing with the other instance, it refuses to do the
ERD's and all I get are boxes that contain the data elements. I have
run my script that creates all the tables for one of these databases
in a database on each of the instances. On the student server, it
creates a proper ERD, but on the research server in doesn't. The
only thing that I can see that is different between the two databases
is the ownership. The files in my database on the academic server
are owned by me, but the database on the research server says it's
owned by postgres. I can log into phpPgAdmin, though, as the
appropriate user name and it will list the constraints. ADS will
list the constraint in the table tree under the tables but will not
list them on the ERD page.
I'm sorry for the long question that might not even be relevant.
I've contacted Aqua Fold support and they are no help. They're
suggestion was that I upgrade to the newest version. (They no longer
have a free academic version and I don't want to do that.) Because I
have just one copy of ADS running and one instance works and the
other doesn't, it seems that an upgrade wouldn't do the job.
Carol Walter
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