Sounds like a Bad Idea(tm) to me. If you want to create extra systemmy tables, then why not set up your own private resources, and put them there instead??? Steve On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 11:22:05 +0200 (CEST) Carmen Martinez <carmenmtezcruz@xxxxxxxx> wrote: > I want to insert new tables in the pg_catalog schema. So I have to execute a common create table sentence like "Create Table pg_catalog.newTable ....", but I am not allowed to do that and I do not know why. > > Following I show one of the sentences I execute and the error messages > > > One of the tables I try to create is: > > CREATE TABLE pg_catalog.COL_LIST ( OBJ OID NOT NULL, COL OID NOT NULL, T_TYPE numeric(1) NOT NULL, LEN numeric(2) NOT NULL, COM varchar(100) , PRIMARY KEY (OBJ, COL) , CONSTRAINT LEN_TOO_LONG_IN_COL_LIST CHECK (LEN>=1 AND LEN<=10), CONSTRAINT TYPE_MUST_BE_1_2_o_3 CHECK (T_TYPE=1 OR T_TYPE=2 OR T_TYPE=3)) > > ERROR: permission denied to create "pg_catalog.col_list" > DETAIL: System catalog modifications are currently disallowed. > > > Thanks > > Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió: Carmen Martinez escribió: > > Hello, > > I am trying to include new tables in the PG catalog. Also, I am doing > > that using the JDBC interface in a Java program. But when I connect to > > de Postgress template1 database and I execute the CREATE TABLE > > sentence an error message appears saying: "System catalog > > modifications are currently disallowed". > > > > Please, I need help to know how to allow to modify the system catalog . > > What CREATE TABLE exactly? > > -- > Alvaro Herrera > "No hay cielo posible sin hundir nuestras raíces > en la profundidad de la tierra" (Malucha Pinto) > > > > --------------------------------- > > LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo. > Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto. >