My default_statistics_target in the postgresql.conf file is set at 250. The tables are vacuumed everyday. Now, does that mean, for each column or only for the column on which index exist, increase the value of "statistics" value, so while analyzing it uses more rows in the sample.
Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Abu Mushayeedwrites:
> I am trying to determine if I can make the planner see that nested loop is very expensive while it is trying to do an plan for a query and not pick that route.
If it's doing that when it shouldn't, it's probably because it's
underestimated the number of rows in the outer relation. Look to your
stats settings.
regards, tom lane
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
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