Having done a series of CREATE TEMP TABLE snap_user_idx AS SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_indexes; SELECT t1.indexrelname,t1.idx_scan-t0.idx_scan as idx_scan, t1.idx_tup_read-t0.idx_tup_read AS idx_tup_read, t1.idx_tup_fetch-t0.idx_tup_fetch as idx_tup_fetch FROM pg_stat_user_indexes t1 JOIN snap_user_idx t0 USING (indexrelid) ORDER BY 4; ...it occured to me I'm probably reinventing the wheel. There should already be a utility which could present all those marvels hidden in 'pg_stat%' tables, present them as nice graphs, highlight most used indexes, etc, etc. Maybe one of you is already using such a thing and can direct me to it? Regards, Dawid