>Rajesh Kumar Mallah <mallah ( dot ) rajesh ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com>
>> On 4/5/07, Tom Lane <tgl ( at ) sss ( dot ) pgh ( dot ) pa ( dot ) us> wrote:
>> > "Rajesh Kumar Mallah" <mallah ( dot ) rajesh ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com>
>> writes:
>> > > A friend of mine getting following error
>> >
>> > > Error: xlog flush request 0/797FED50/ is not
>> satisfied -- flushed only
>> > > to 0/797FC1D8
>> > > CONTEXT: writing block 681 of relation
>> 1663/10819/16520
>> >
>> > Which PG version exactly? Has he had any crashes
>> lately? The message
>> > means that that block contains an LSN that's past
>> the current end of WAL,
>> > which is a pretty suspicious situation.
>> >
>> > The message will go away pretty soon (as soon as
>> another 10K or so of
>> > WAL is generated) but this looks like a symptom of
>> a bug to me. Details
> > would be good.
> >
>> The person "Ashwin" might contact the list directly.
>> If he does'nt i shall try my best to get the details
>> regds mallah.
>> >
>> > regards, tom lane
>> >
>> ---------------------------(end of
>> broadcast)---------------------------
>> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
>I am using postgres-8.2.3, i have changed my
>postgres.c file, in the function PostgresMain in the
>case P of processing the command so that, whenever i
>see a word say "tiger" as the first word of the
>query, i will generate 10,000 inserts into a table and
>execute them using exec_simple.
>I will fire one query through jdbc beginning with the
>same word "tiger".
>Here after inserting 5600 inserts i get the above
>ERROR message.
>Any idea how to succesfully insert all those values.
I have done pg_restore as i found in some website about this error.
Now i am not getting the error but now my postgres stops after inserting
5600(+/- 50) rows. I cant find out where the problem is
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