Thank you so much for your help. I think what you said are perfectly
right. But I still encountered strange problem.
I added log_directory='/var/nm2'
/var/nm2 is the directory for database files in my system, the
directory ownership is postgres:postgres, so I think no permission
problem if later postgres server log message into the file under this
And for better debugging, I use
log_min_error_statement = info
After start postmaster, I looked at directory '/var/nm2', didn't find
pgsql.log file, then I did some database update action, I still
couldn't see pgsql.log generated.
I also tried log_directory=/var/log/pgsql the same thing happen.
what else I need to do to make things right?
Original Message ----
From: Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)
To: jing han
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 10:57:09 AM
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] where postgres 8.1.8 log messages go
Don't forget to copy back to the list - Reply To All is your friend ;)
This is my configuration:
log_directory = '/var/log/endeavour/pgsql' # Directory
where log files are written
Note the single quotes, not double - this could be your problem.
Also note that /var/log/messages is a file, not a directory.
PostgreSQL will write it's own log files..
If you want to use a specific log file, use log_filename in conjunction
with log_directory - but note that syslog uses /var/log/messages so
don't use that or it'll get syslog confused.
You can log to syslog as well, if that's what you want to do. Read
that manual page some more.
I would also not put the log files in /var/log - at least make a
subdirectory like /var/log/pgsql.
I've known built-in Linux rotate and compress scripts to play havoc
with PostgreSQL by rotating and compressing it's logs while it's trying
to use them, when they're in /var/log.
jing han wrote:
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the information. I tried to add
log_destination = "/var/log/messages"
into postgresql..conf, then I started database server, I found that db server throwed the following error message:
FATAL: syntax error in file "/var/nm2/postgresql.conf" line 130, near token """
Can you tell me the syntax for this?
The document said that " This option can be set at server start or in the postgresql.conf configuration file.", If set at server start,
what is the option for this pramater? (for example: -D is for the database file directory)
Thank you for your help.
---- Original Message ----
From: Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists) <andy.shellam-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: jing han <jing_han_66@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: pgsql-interfaces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 9:32:56 AM
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] where postgres 8.1.8 log messages go
Wherever you want them to.
In your postgresql.conf file, review the "logging" section.
The following will help you:
jing han wrote:
I have a question about postgres log messages. postgres 7.2.3 log messages go to /var/log/messages file, postgres 8.1.8 log messages do not go to /var/log/messages, so where they go?
Any feedback will be appreciated..
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