----- Original Message ---- From: Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ogjunk-pgjedan@xxxxxxxxx writes: > I normally dump with these options: > -d MyDB --clean --inserts --column-inserts --format=P > But the last time I tried that, the restore took foreeeeeeeeeeeeeever. --inserts is pretty expensive. OG: right. I won't use -d then. > So I'm looking for the fastest way to import data from the old DB to the new one. Judging from pg_dump man page the following should be the fastest dump & restore: > -d MyDB --format=c --ignore-version Don't use --ignore-version; it's a good way to shoot yourself in the foot. OG: even when upgrading (8.0.3 -> 8.2.3)? I'll dump with pg_dump from 8.0.3 and them import with pg_restore from the newly installed 8.2.3. Wouldn't I *have to* use --ignore-version for that to work? pg_dump's default behavior is about as good as you can get; there are no optional switches that will make it faster. What you *can* do is make sure that the receiving system is properly configured before you start the restore --- increase maintenance_work_mem and checkpoint_segments in particular. See this page, especially the last section: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/populate.html OG: Thanks for the pointer! Otis