Karthikeyan Sundaram wrote:
Hi Scott,
Thanks for replying. The tablespace is not the main problem here. I
want the data files to grow in the new partition along with the old
linux partition.
Let me put like this.
We have a linux partition of 120GB called as
/local/postgres/database/Data/< followed by all files>
This /local partition is 95 % used.
So we are adding one more partition called /local1 which is
approximately 250 GB. Now I want to inform postgres that after /local
partiion is 100 %, I want to utilize the /local1 so that the database
can grow significantly. In other words, the data file created and
maintained by postgres will grow in the /local1 partition.
The closest I would think is partitioning - data matching certain
criteria can be in one tablespace and other data in another tablespace.
This won't be just once this disk is full use another - you would say
something like table1's rows with id<2000000 on this disk and
id>=2000000 on another.
If your data is that large you may want to look into the benefit's it
can offer even if you do use lvm.
Shane Ambler
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