I have two databases, one from a pre-merger company, and one from a post-merger company (the company otherwise being the same). The post-merger database was created as an empty replica of the old. I have a VB application (no, VB was not *my* choice) that's used by employees to (sometimes simultaneously) access the old and new dbs, on the same server, with the same encoding and configuration and ODBC drivers. At login the user chooses which db to connect to, and the application proceeds to establish an ODBC connection using ADO to the appropriate db. All of it is working fine, except a form that uploads templates as los - same app, same code, different db works on old crashes on new. Running PostgreSQL 8.2 on Win2K server, connecting via psql ODBC Unicode, psqlodbc35w.dll using a text file containing "testfile.contents" as the lo: The logfile lines when it works: { LOG: statement: BEGIN LOG: fastpath function call: "lo_creat" (OID 957) LOG: fastpath function call: "lo_open" (OID 952) LOG: fastpath function call: "lo_lseek" (OID 956) LOG: fastpath function call: "lowrite" (OID 955) LOG: fastpath function call: "lo_close" (OID 953) LOG: statement: COMMIT LOG: statement: insert into doc.templates (description, last_update, template) values ('testing', '12/29/2006', '51661751'::lo) } The logfile lines when it doesn't: { WARNING: nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal at character 94 HINT: Use the escape string syntax for backslashes, e.g., E'\\'. LOG: statement: insert into doc.templates (description, last_update, template) values ('test', '12/29/2006', 'testfile\\056contents') ERROR: invalid input syntax for type oid: "testfile\056contents" STATEMENT: insert into doc.templates (description, last_update, template) values ('test', '12/29/2006', 'testfile\\056contents') } Clearly the 5 lo_ functions are being invoked in the old db, but not in the new, although I'm certainly not manually coding anything to invoke them. Did I miss a configuration step when I set up the newer db? Which one? The lo type was created using lo.sql from the contrib directory on both dbs. the table definition: (identical between the two dbs) { CREATE TABLE doc.templates ( templid serial NOT NULL, last_update date, description character varying(100), "template" lo, CONSTRAINT templates_pkey PRIMARY KEY (templid) ) WITH OIDS; CREATE TRIGGER template_lo BEFORE UPDATE OR DELETE ON doc.templates FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE lo_manage('template'); } the vb connection code for the new db where it doesn't work (both dbs connect via Windoze Registry ODBC DSN definitions that are identical except for the user and catalog) { Dim dc As New CRijndael output = dc.DecryptData(pcode, pw) Dim connparam As String connparam = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=[newdbODBCname];Initial Catalog=[newdbcatalog];Password=" & CStr(output) On Error GoTo noConn Core_functions.conn.Open connparam On Error GoTo 0 goodLogin = True GoTo theEnd noConn: If InStr(Err.description, "password authentication failed for user") Then MsgBox "The database is currently unavailable. Please double-check your network connection and try again. Please contact corporate IT if the problem persists." End If } for the old db where it DOES work { Dim dc As New CRijndael output = dc.DecryptData(pcode, pw) Dim connparam As String connparam = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=[olddbODBCname];Initial Catalog=[olddbcatalog];Password=" & CStr(output) On Error GoTo noConn Core_functions.conn.Open connparam On Error GoTo 0 goodLogin = True ADODCstr = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=celia_corp;Initial Catalog=CELIA;Password=" GoTo theEnd noConn: If InStr(Err.description, "password authentication failed for user") Then MsgBox "The database is currently unavailable. Please double-check your network connection and try again. Please contact corporate IT if the problem persists." End If } the vb code on the upload form calls { PutFile "insert into doc.templates (description, last_update, template) values ('" & description.Text & "', '" & Format(Now(), "mm/dd/yyyy") & "', ?)", File1.Path & "\" & File1.filename } which in turn calls the following sub { Public Sub PutFile(queryText As String, theFile As String) 'QueryText should contain the insert query with a question mark where the file (as data) should go Dim theQuery As ADODB.command Dim chunk() As Byte Dim fileID As Integer Dim fileLen As Long 'setup the query Set theQuery = New ADODB.command theQuery.ActiveConnection = conn theQuery.CommandText = queryText theQuery.CommandType = adCmdText 'open the file for reading fileID = FreeFile Open theFile For Binary Access Read As fileID fileLen = LOF(fileID) If fileLen = 0 Then MsgBox "Could not open the specified file" GoTo theEnd End If 'DBFileField parameter 'fourth parameter indicates the memory to allocate to store the object Set DBFileField = theQuery.CreateParameter("DBFileField", adLongVarBinary, adParamInput, fileLen + 100) ReDim chunk(1 To fileLen) Get fileID, , chunk() 'insert the file into the parameter object DBFileField.AppendChunk chunk() theQuery.Parameters.Append DBFileField 'execute theQuery.Execute theEnd: 'clean up Close fileID Set theQuery = Nothing End Sub } Thanks for anyone who can help (or at least tries to!) Sean Murphy