An example will be -->
COPY (SELECT * FROM country WHERE country_name LIKE 'A%') TO '/usr1/proj/bray/sql/a_list_countries.copy';
Shoaib Mir
EnterpriseDB ( )
On 12/27/06, Enrico <scotty@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Is there any way to make a dump from a query?
For example if my query is:
select field1,field2 from table
Does it exist a shell command like pg_dump --QUERY myquery -f myfile?
Have a nice day
If Bill Gates had a penny for everytime Windows crashed,he'd be a multi-billionaire by now .......oh look, he already is !!!!
scotty@xxxxxxxxxxxx - Skype:sscotty71
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings