On 12/27/06, Iannsp <iannsp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Iannsp,
Nagios is a general purpose monitoring and alerting tool. Any service can have only
three states NORMAL , WARNING and CRITICAL, there are plugins(program)
both inbuilt or custom made that can probe for a parameter and update
nagios database. Threshold for warning and critical states are defined for
each service monitored.
We use nagios for monitoring port 5432. It is also possible to make nagios
run "SELECT 1;" so that you really know that database is answering
Diskspace monitoring
Nagios is not suitable for above, its monitoring and alerting tool mainly.
You may consider writing custom software using rrdtools for archiving
historical data.
I did like to know with some one here use some think like nagios to
monitoring postgresql.
Dear Iannsp,
Nagios is a general purpose monitoring and alerting tool. Any service can have only
three states NORMAL , WARNING and CRITICAL, there are plugins(program)
both inbuilt or custom made that can probe for a parameter and update
nagios database. Threshold for warning and critical states are defined for
each service monitored.
We use nagios for monitoring port 5432. It is also possible to make nagios
run "SELECT 1;" so that you really know that database is answering
I said this because I'm work in one software to make this and I never
find onde tool to monitoring postgresql with adminsitractive data like
actual run proccess and the query's
, number of connections,
user logged,
more commom values listed by field in the table,Use of disk, index and
another things.
Diskspace monitoring
Some one people know one tool to monitoring this informations using web
browser and have permission to change some one datas in the
postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf ?
Nagios is not suitable for above, its monitoring and alerting tool mainly.
You may consider writing custom software using rrdtools for archiving
historical data.
Thank you.
Ivo Nascimento
Iann tech - Desenvolvendo soluções com performance e segurança
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