Re: Problem with large table not using indexes (I think)

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I thought that you only need to use the -z flag if the distribution of the data is changing.
Jeff Frost wrote:
On Sat, 23 Dec 2006, Benjamin Arai wrote:

The largest table in my database (30GB) has mysteriously went from taking milli-seconds to perform a query to minutes. This disks are fine and I have a 4GB shared_memory. Could this slow down have to do with the fsm_max_pages or something else like that? I made it larger but the queries still taking a long time. I do daily vacuum's but I don't run it with -z or --full. I would like to avoid doing a --full if possible because it would literally take over a week to complete. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

When is the last time you ran ANALYZE? That's what the -z option does. If you're only vacuuming once daily, you should definitely analyze with the -z flag as well.

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