i tried various ways to backup that db.
if i use a separate 'copy table to 'file' with binary' i can export the
problematic table and restore without problems. resulting outputfile is
much smaller than default output and runtime is much shorter.
is there any way to say pg_dump to use a copy command with option 'with
binary'? it should be possible with the custom or tar format. i searched
the docs and manpage and cant find something.
Tom Lane schrieb:
Thomas Markus <t.markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
logfile content see http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/cvD7uk33.html
It looks to me like you must have individual rows whose COPY
representation requires more than half a gigabyte (maybe much more,
but at least that) and the system cannot allocate enough buffer space.
yes, msg is DETAIL: Failed on request of size 546321213. (521mb)
It could be that this is a symptom of corrupted data, if you're certain
that there shouldn't be any such rows in the table.
kernel is 2.6.15-1-em64t-p4-smp, pg version is 8.1.0 32bit
You really need a 64-bit PG build if you want to push
multi-hundred-megabyte field values around --- otherwise there's just
not enough headroom in the process address space. (Something newer than
8.1.0 would be a good idea too.)
i cant change the db installation. but thats another problem
regards, tom lane